I really feel this is going to be
a big year for the Irish Goat Industry, with much stronger communication and
cooperation between farmers and processors, Teagasc, the Department of Agriculture and all the farming and food organisations. Hopefully this will all get under way in the
next few weeks with a meeting of some of the interested parties to get the ball
rolling. I’ll keep you updated with any developments.
The report on my trip to the Goat Expo is also nearing completion and I’ll make it available here in the next few
weeks. It will include summaries of all
the seminars I attended but I will also have more detailed information also
available for each of them. There will
also be lots of photos of the competitions and all of the breeds that were on
Finally I would like to extend my
sincerest thanks to each of you. As a
result of our work keeping the public updated via social media, myself and a number of my
colleagues were offered a Staff Excellence Award. No matter where you’re located - in Ireland
or beyond – many, many thanks for all the hits on this page. I will do my very best to develop and drive
this Blog from strength to strength and I look forward to your contributions
and experiences as part of this.